Baum spray

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Oppdag produkter som tar vare på miljøet takket være redusert CO2-utslipp under produksjonsprosessen, og som også garanterer perfekte reparasjoner. Med R-Ms eSense-produkter erstattes fossile ressurser matematisk av fornybare ressurser. Og det beste av alt er at jo flere eSense-produkter våre partnere bruker, desto høyere andel fornybare komponenter i fremtiden..

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Takket være eSense, sparte vi 3363tn CO2-utslipp! Det tilsvarer 31,305,419 kilometer* i bil.
Les mer om miljøvennlig reparasjonslakkering av biler.

*BASF product carbon footprints are calculated following general standards for life cycle assessment and product carbon footprints. The product carbon footprints are assessed cradle to gate, i.e. without CO2 emissions caused during product application and end-of-life treatment. Our product carbon footprint data is based on assumptions and approximations valid at the time of data collection. For more information, please visit this page. eSense products contribute to reducing the use of fossil resources and reducing the CO2 emissions via the biomass balance approach. In BASF’s biomass balance approach, renewable raw materials are used as raw materials when manufacturing primary chemical products and are fed into the production Verbund. The proportion of bio-based raw materials is then arithmetically assigned to certain sales products according to a certified method. For our biomass balance products, 100% of the feedstock required for these products (chemical product only / excluding packaging material) have been replaced by renewable resources. All our eSense products are independently certified according to the RedCert² standard. (BASF certification number REDcert²-929-35372286). For more information, please visit this page. When reference is made to CO2 savings per traveled kilometer, a standard CO2 emission of 95 grams per travelled car kilometer is assumed. Here you can find more information about BASF’s biomass balance approach on this page.

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Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose
Oil Arm
Oil Tower
Oil Tower line
Oil Tower line
Oil Arm
Oil Tower
Oil Tower line
Oil Tower line
Tree Top
Tree Top
Tree Ttunk
Tree Ttunk
Pipe Mouth
Pipe Mouth

Billakk består hovedsaklig av fossile ressurser som for eksempel nafta.

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Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose
Oil Arm
Oil Tower
Oil Tower line
Oil Tower line
Oil Arm
Oil Tower
Oil Tower line
Oil Tower line

Billakk består hovedsaklig av fossile ressurser som for eksempel nafta.

Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose Fill
Oil Dose
Tree Top
Tree Top
Tree Ttunk
Tree Ttunk

Denne metoden lar oss erstatte en del av de fossile ressursene i BASF med fornybare ressurser.

Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut
Machine line
Machine line
Machine line
Machine indicator
Empty cans
full cans

Denne metoden lar oss erstatte en del av de fossile ressursene i BASF med fornybare ressurser.

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Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut Machine nut
Machine line
Machine line
Machine line
Machine indicator
Empty cans
full cans

Denne metoden lar oss erstatte en del av de fossile ressursene med fornybare ressurser i BASF Production Verbund.

Palet floor
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow

Andelen biomasse tilordnes deretter matematisk til visse kommersielle produkter i henhold til den sertifiserte metoden.

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Palet floor
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow
Palet Shadow

Andelen biomasse tilordnes deretter matematisk til visse kommersielle produkter i henhold til den sertifiserte metoden.

Fabric floor
Fabric smoke
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric TüV

Dette betyr at ditt kjøp direkte påvirker prosentandelen av de totale fornybare ressursene som mates inn i vår produksjon.

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Fabric floor
Fabric smoke
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck
Fabric truck

Dette betyr at ditt kjøp direkte påvirker prosentandelen av de totale fornybare ressursene som mates inn i vår produksjon.

Fabric floor
Fabric smoke
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric cloud
Fabric TüV

Når du bruker R-M eSensee, får du nøyaktig samme høye kvalitet som du er vant til. Men du har også bidratt til å øke andelen fornybare ressurser i vår produksjon.


Takket være eSense, sparte vi 3363tn CO2-utslipp! Det tilsvarer 31,305,419 kilometer* i bil.

*BASF product carbon footprints are calculated following general standards for life cycle assessment and product carbon footprints. The product carbon footprints are assessed cradle to gate, i.e. without CO2 emissions caused during product application and end-of-life treatment. Our product carbon footprint data is based on assumptions and approximations valid at the time of data collection. For more information, please visit this page. eSense products contribute to reducing the use of fossil resources and reducing the CO2 emissions via the biomass balance approach. In BASF’s biomass balance approach, renewable raw materials are used as raw materials when manufacturing primary chemical products and are fed into the production Verbund. The proportion of bio-based raw materials is then arithmetically assigned to certain sales products according to a certified method. For our biomass balance products, 100% of the feedstock required for these products (chemical product only / excluding packaging material) have been replaced by renewable resources. All our eSense products are independently certified according to the RedCert² standard. (BASF certification number REDcert²-929-35372286). For more information, please visit this page. When reference is made to CO2 savings per traveled kilometer, a standard CO2 emission of 95 grams per travelled car kilometer is assumed. Here you can find more information about BASF’s biomass balance approach on this page.

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Les mer om miljøvennlig reparasjonslakkering av biler.


Takket være eSense, sparte vi 3363tn CO2-utslipp! Det tilsvarer 31,305,419 kilometer* i bil.

*BASF product carbon footprints are calculated following general standards for life cycle assessment and product carbon footprints. The product carbon footprints are assessed cradle to gate, i.e. without CO2 emissions caused during product application and end-of-life treatment. Our product carbon footprint data is based on assumptions and approximations valid at the time of data collection. For more information, please visit this page. eSense products contribute to reducing the use of fossil resources and reducing the CO2 emissions via the biomass balance approach. In BASF’s biomass balance approach, renewable raw materials are used as raw materials when manufacturing primary chemical products and are fed into the production Verbund. The proportion of bio-based raw materials is then arithmetically assigned to certain sales products according to a certified method. For our biomass balance products, 100% of the feedstock required for these products (chemical product only / excluding packaging material) have been replaced by renewable resources. All our eSense products are independently certified according to the RedCert² standard. (BASF certification number REDcert²-929-35372286). For more information, please visit this page. When reference is made to CO2 savings per traveled kilometer, a standard CO2 emission of 95 grams per travelled car kilometer is assumed. Here you can find more information about BASF’s biomass balance approach on this page.

Les mer om miljøvennlig reparasjonslakkering av biler.